Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stimulus Check

In case you are interested in seeing when you'll get yours, visit this site:,,id=180250,00.html

Those assholes make the value of the dollar go down and hope that a $600 check will make a difference.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

This and That

My boss, the Sr. VP of Operations got laid off a couple of days ago. I really liked the guy and it was a very sad couple of days. It turns out our Columbus office is moving to another division and we were a little heavily staffed. I have two thoughts on that. First, great! we'll finally have our management team back in our office. Second, crap! that means we're losing half of our business. We'll see how things turn out and if we're all out of a job by the end of the year.

It probably wasn't a great idea to blow all of our savings on the wedding....but at least none of it is on credit. That really makes me feel grown up. :)

I caught the disgusting, inconsiderate, unsanitary waste of a human- painting the toilets with her piss and blood. She happened to rush into the bathroom just as I was finishing up. She rushed right out, and I of course had to see if it was her. Should I tell her something? She's kind of taller than me, rugged, and a little mean looking. She'll probably try to shank me in the parking lot, seeing that she comes from the "hood". Although I have been feeling pretty confident since my personal trainer told me that I was very strong.

Gosh you guys are silly. I'm not violent. I'll just tell her coworkers, the scarier girls, that I have formed an alliance with.

Just for the record, Toby's wedding numbers are a little off. I'll give you a quick breakdown.

Main Chunk:
$4000- 2 nights at Joseph Ambler Inn
$2500- 2 hours of drinking during the reception
$5500- Ceremony/ Reception

Other Items:
$100- handmade invitations---sorry if some of the glue came off of yours.
$350- cake (i'm hoping to not have to spend more than that)
$200- flowers (I may put together some flowers myself)
$500-$1000- wedding favors/ gifts for family and bridal party
free- videography by Mandie and Damian
free- rehearsal dinner hosted by Sallie Derr and sister Gee

Am I missing anything? Toby and I are still talking about whether or not we want a photographer. He thinks it's a waste of money. If you know of anyone who will give us a good deal, let us know. If not, and you have an awesome camera, please bring it to the wedding and take some pictures!

I'll be mailing out the third set of invitations within the next few days. If you have not received yours yet, then it probably means we were not going to originally invite you. WHAT!? I'm just joking, I ran out of supplies and didn't want to send out crappy cards. Toby has a huge family you know? Those people like to reproduce! I love them. :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Trying to Keep Track

  • Organizational Studies Assignment that was due yesterday.
  • Statistics Assignment due Wednesday
  • Frontpage Assignment due on Thursday
  • Computer quiz due by Thursday
  • Organizational Studies Assignment for this week, due this Sunday
  • Justice Studies discussion board post due Sunday
  • Justice Studies quiz due next Tuesday


It looks like there are a new set of employees in our neighbor's office. Woohee! More collection agents to say hello to.


I've been searching for flights for my best friends from El Paso. They are so expensive and depart at shitty times. It looks like the cheapest we can get leaves on Sunday morning at 5:55am. That's not going to work, especially if we're going to be partying all Saturday night after the wedding. The trains don't run that early, which means we might need to hire a driver to drive all of my out of town guests to the airport. Any volunteers?? Does anyone know of any sites or flight agencies that I can contact to get a good deal on tickets?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Research Paper

I finished! I finished!! 6 straight hours of working on this paper has left me zombified.

10 pages is not relatively short...I'd like to take back that comment from my previous post.

I also made a mistake on the bullet points I left a couple days back. RFID chips were not created from the events of September 11th, VeriChips were. VeriChips are the rice sized chips that are being implanted in humans today. RFID chips come in many forms and VeriChips are just one of them.

I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow consists of cleaning, speech therapy for Connor, and playing video games with Chad and Mark. I'm so excited. :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Flouride is good for you...I think

Connor had his two year visit today. He is 32 lbs and 38 inches tall.

At the end of the visit we asked the doctor to give us another prescription for vitamins. He said "would you like vitamins with flouride or just flouride?" Wow, what a question! I knew something was going to stir up from those choices, and Toby's facial expression confirmed my instant assumption. Toby made a point to tell the doctor that flouride was toxic and that it was not going to be given to our son. The doc was floored. I mean why wouldn't he be; he's been giving flouride to all his patients and his kids and probably genuinly isn't trying to harm them. Toby is going to put together a little packet of information for him, just to kind of open his mind.

Now I'm off to finish my paper. It's such a beautiful day, it's such a shame to waste the day away working and studying.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I am working on my paper for my Justice Studies class. It's a relatively short 10 page paper, but I've only got one page down so far. Nine more to go by midnight tomorrow.

Here are some interesting facts about the RFID Chip:
  • Created by a company called VeriChip Corporation with intentions to insert chips into humans.
  • Inspired by the events of 9/11--firefighters were getting hurt and hospitals were unable to identify them or get their medical records.
  • Initially created to carry medical information for hospitals. It would allow patients to go in and get scanned and instantly know what insurance a person uses and what their medical history is, in the cases of dimentia or memory loss.
  • Some companies have forced their employees to insert chips into their body so that they can be identified for high-security projects.
  • Baja Beach Club in Barcelona has individuals who have inserted chips in them to carry their credit card information, to eliminate the need for carrying around any wallets, purses, or bags.

This kind of stuff makes me think about the idiots who support this movement. Think deeper and try not to let us evolve into a species that can no longer rely on self-sufficiency.

Our privacy could be at's a good think this "movement" will probably never happen. There is too much controversy over moral.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I have homework?

I think I might have a panic attack. I just realized how much school work I need to get done by the end of this week.

  • Essay on organizational frames (due last Sunday)...the best I can hope for now is a C.

  • Justice Studies test (due by midnight)

  • Essay on RFID chips and how they are violating our liberties (due Friday)

  • Justice studies discussion board (due by Sunday)

  • Skills assignment (due by Sunday)

Next Week:

  • Justice Studies video discussion on whether or not Walmart is good for us (due Monday)

  • Statistics Assignments 3 & 4 (due by Wednesday)

  • Justice Studies discussion board (due by Sunday)

  • Organizational studies assignment (due by Sunday)

This doesn't include my final exams.

I'm going to be begging Toby and my mom for help with Connor.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Life lately

I've been busy.

I have three more weeks until this semester is over. I'm not sure how I'm going to do. My computer class has been quite easy, as always. I'm struggling to keep up with my Organizational Studies and Justice Studies classes. And I'm really falling behind on my Statistic for Society class. I need to remember this when Fall registration begins. I just have to keep reminding myself that I have one year left...

Work has been busy. We've acquired some new neighbors who apparently have way too much testosterone. I try to say hello to everyone, but I think some people aren't used to it and think I'm trying to say something more. No man...just hello please. I have to say, they do keep me entertained though. Last week someone got arrested for trying to buy lunch with a stolen credit card. A couple weeks before that, the cops came by to talk to one of the employees for having their truck block two spots while housing a dog in the back seat. A couple weeks before that we had to put up signs in the bathrooms to remind people to throw away their tampons. And a week before that, we had to report to HR and our attorneys the instances of intimidation our fellow employees were having. It's been interesting.

The Wedding
I have one more set of invitations to mail out. I hand made all of them. Unfortunately, Michael's stopped selling the pearls I was attaching to the invitations, so some of them look a little different than the others.

I bought my wedding dress on Friday. It's stunning. My mother actually picked it out for me. She saw it on a manakin and asked the bridal consultant to bring it to my dressing room. Her eyes glimmered while the bridal consultant's mouth dropped. It was a very convincing buy, I'll say.

I still need to work on party favors, gifts, a photographer, a florist (unless I put together my own flowers), and....I'm not sure what else. I've got 9 weeks to go. Talk about procrastination.