Thursday, May 29, 2008

Little tid bits about yours truly

1. I pee a lot.
2. I usually start unbuttoning my pants before I actually get to the bathroom stall.
3. When I laugh, my whole body laughs; I just can't keep straight.
4. I'm addicted to warm chocolate chip cookies. I can eat 15 of them in one sitting.
5. You'll rarely ever see me drinking a carbinated drink. If I attempt to drink one, I'll really only drink 1/4 of it.
6. I used to be a vegetarian, I now enjoy eating the fat off of a dead pig.
7. I'm not as politically inclined as my lover, but I do admire his passion.
8. I have a hard time sitting like a regular person on a chair. I usually have to curl my legs up in the chair, or do the little korean squat on the chair.
9. I used to be in plays and recitals when I was in elementary school, now I fear a crowd or attention.
10. When I am drunk, I am a lot like Toby when he is sober...yack yack yack.
11. I'm not good with phrases..."what am I? Chop Suiy?"
12. I like to sip on coffee. I usually only drink about 1/3 of a cup of coffee at one time and end up wasting the rest. I started only filling my coffee cup up 1/2 way. It's a shame that I still have to pay full price.
13. I like to eat my cake from the inside out. I'm not too crazy about the frosting on the outside.
14. I only like sugar and glazed donuts. Keep it simple.
15. I never know what I want...but I always definately know what I don't want.

That's all for now.


So this personal training thing has not been working out so well. I've been too tired and busy to meet with the trainer at night, I can't seem to wake up before 7:45am in the mornings, and the weekends are out of the picture. My mother has been making pancakes for breakfast for the past few days and I can't sem to resist them.

So I think I gained the 5 lbs that I lost. You can officially call me "fatty".

Toby is over 200 lbs now and he is looking good! Everyone be prepared, there just might be a push up contest during the wedding festivities.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wedding Progress Update

Cake- We found a place to bake our cake. It's going to be a lemon pound cake...Toby loves lemon.

Rings- We went to a few different jewelry stores that all pretty much had the same rings. We wanted something simple, but if we were going to spend money, the customer service had to be perfect. Helzberg Diamond did a good job, so we made our final purchase there.

Tuxes- Toby, Mark, and Chad got fitted for their tuxes on Saturday. We have to take little Connor in some time this week. I'm hoping we will hear from Tom soon...

M.O.H.- I've decided not to ask anyone else to fill this spot. Being a last minute pick/ replacement is far from being special.

Bridal Shower(s)- not happening.

Best Man- M.I.A.--I hope you're okay buddy.

Bachelor's Party- I think Toby's coworkers are going to take him out--but friends, please, take him out for a good time. I think he'll enjoy a guys night out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

25 days

I'm a little upset right now. Without going into too much detail, my maid of honor will not be attending my wedding. That has left a very sad vicki reflecting on her life with friends and wondering how so much hope and faith can go into people, with little coming back. I'm so goddamned tired of trying.

I have 25 days until my wedding. I finally made an appointment with a bakery. I'll be there at 7am tomorrow morning. That's one thing down.

I'm still figuring out what to do about alcohol at the reception.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Potty Training

Connor did not want to put on a diaper last night after his bath. He ran around for about an hour with his little undies on before he finally decided it was time to potty (all over the floor). We introduced him to the potty training bowl when he was about 15 months old, but all he wanted to do was play with it. Now I think he understands that he has to sit on it rather than take it apart. We just have to get him to sit on it when he's ready to go.

This is going to be an interesting time for us all. I'm sure we'll have a lot of running around and cleaning to do.

Friday, May 16, 2008


There are constant sounds filling my head right now; snap, crackle, pop….I really enjoy rice crispies cereal…plus the constant thudding on the window reminding me that today is going to be a wet day. “It’s a good day for the ducks”.

I’ve been awfully tired this week; lethargic to say the least, lethargic and fatigued. I’m not sure why; I’ve been going to the gym regularly, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep. I’ve been a day behind all week, thinking Tuesday was Monday, Wednesday was Tuesday, and Thursday was Wednesday. I’ve misdated everything since Monday. There must be something in the air, unless it’s the fluoride finally getting to me.

I finished the spring semester last week. I didn’t do as well as I usually do.

Organizational Studies- B
Computer Concepts- A+
Justice Studies- B
Societal Statistics- A

I don’t think I have received a B in almost 2 years. Oh well. It was not easy with all of the stress at work, plus planning a wedding on my own. I should try not to be so hard on myself. I am excited that I am done though, except I find myself with lots of free time during lunch and breaks.

I’ve started reading Muhammad Yunus’ “Banker to the Poor”. It’s an excellent book on how he founded the Grameen Bank. I enjoy reading about real life stories and about those selfless people who really try to make a difference in the world. I hope to one day make an impact on the needy around me. Money is such a silly thing to worry and fight about; it’s what divides us, and what ultimately ends some of us.

Anyhow, I’m sure I’ll be back later today to give some updates on the wedding. I need to make some warm tea and take a walk.