Monday, April 14, 2008

Life lately

I've been busy.

I have three more weeks until this semester is over. I'm not sure how I'm going to do. My computer class has been quite easy, as always. I'm struggling to keep up with my Organizational Studies and Justice Studies classes. And I'm really falling behind on my Statistic for Society class. I need to remember this when Fall registration begins. I just have to keep reminding myself that I have one year left...

Work has been busy. We've acquired some new neighbors who apparently have way too much testosterone. I try to say hello to everyone, but I think some people aren't used to it and think I'm trying to say something more. No man...just hello please. I have to say, they do keep me entertained though. Last week someone got arrested for trying to buy lunch with a stolen credit card. A couple weeks before that, the cops came by to talk to one of the employees for having their truck block two spots while housing a dog in the back seat. A couple weeks before that we had to put up signs in the bathrooms to remind people to throw away their tampons. And a week before that, we had to report to HR and our attorneys the instances of intimidation our fellow employees were having. It's been interesting.

The Wedding
I have one more set of invitations to mail out. I hand made all of them. Unfortunately, Michael's stopped selling the pearls I was attaching to the invitations, so some of them look a little different than the others.

I bought my wedding dress on Friday. It's stunning. My mother actually picked it out for me. She saw it on a manakin and asked the bridal consultant to bring it to my dressing room. Her eyes glimmered while the bridal consultant's mouth dropped. It was a very convincing buy, I'll say.

I still need to work on party favors, gifts, a photographer, a florist (unless I put together my own flowers), and....I'm not sure what else. I've got 9 weeks to go. Talk about procrastination.

1 comment:

Kate said...

If you need help putting stuff together, my schedule clears out soon and I'm really into party planning. Let me know babe!