Friday, May 16, 2008


There are constant sounds filling my head right now; snap, crackle, pop….I really enjoy rice crispies cereal…plus the constant thudding on the window reminding me that today is going to be a wet day. “It’s a good day for the ducks”.

I’ve been awfully tired this week; lethargic to say the least, lethargic and fatigued. I’m not sure why; I’ve been going to the gym regularly, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep. I’ve been a day behind all week, thinking Tuesday was Monday, Wednesday was Tuesday, and Thursday was Wednesday. I’ve misdated everything since Monday. There must be something in the air, unless it’s the fluoride finally getting to me.

I finished the spring semester last week. I didn’t do as well as I usually do.

Organizational Studies- B
Computer Concepts- A+
Justice Studies- B
Societal Statistics- A

I don’t think I have received a B in almost 2 years. Oh well. It was not easy with all of the stress at work, plus planning a wedding on my own. I should try not to be so hard on myself. I am excited that I am done though, except I find myself with lots of free time during lunch and breaks.

I’ve started reading Muhammad Yunus’ “Banker to the Poor”. It’s an excellent book on how he founded the Grameen Bank. I enjoy reading about real life stories and about those selfless people who really try to make a difference in the world. I hope to one day make an impact on the needy around me. Money is such a silly thing to worry and fight about; it’s what divides us, and what ultimately ends some of us.

Anyhow, I’m sure I’ll be back later today to give some updates on the wedding. I need to make some warm tea and take a walk.

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