Thursday, May 29, 2008

Little tid bits about yours truly

1. I pee a lot.
2. I usually start unbuttoning my pants before I actually get to the bathroom stall.
3. When I laugh, my whole body laughs; I just can't keep straight.
4. I'm addicted to warm chocolate chip cookies. I can eat 15 of them in one sitting.
5. You'll rarely ever see me drinking a carbinated drink. If I attempt to drink one, I'll really only drink 1/4 of it.
6. I used to be a vegetarian, I now enjoy eating the fat off of a dead pig.
7. I'm not as politically inclined as my lover, but I do admire his passion.
8. I have a hard time sitting like a regular person on a chair. I usually have to curl my legs up in the chair, or do the little korean squat on the chair.
9. I used to be in plays and recitals when I was in elementary school, now I fear a crowd or attention.
10. When I am drunk, I am a lot like Toby when he is sober...yack yack yack.
11. I'm not good with phrases..."what am I? Chop Suiy?"
12. I like to sip on coffee. I usually only drink about 1/3 of a cup of coffee at one time and end up wasting the rest. I started only filling my coffee cup up 1/2 way. It's a shame that I still have to pay full price.
13. I like to eat my cake from the inside out. I'm not too crazy about the frosting on the outside.
14. I only like sugar and glazed donuts. Keep it simple.
15. I never know what I want...but I always definately know what I don't want.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Kate said...

HIIIII I had fun tonight!!!! I love you!!!!